Apple.txt This file is used for testing the Appl2pc program to insure it is working. The file contains no linefeeds, as would be normal for an Apple text file. It is relatively short, but long enough to test the program. Each line ends in a carriage return. Try displaying this on your monitor with the following DOS command: type appletxt.txt Now try printing this on your printer with the following DOS command: type appletxt.txt > prn. On my monitor & printer, all lines of text print on the first line. Now use the Appl2pc program to convert it to a PC text file and try again. Note: You'll have to give the file a new name like PCtxt.txt. The program does not overwrite the original file for safety's sake. By the way, the program will not change the "backspace" or "tab" characters. It also will not attemp to change anything that is not a pure ASCII file. Its only purpose in life is to add linefeeds to orphan carriage returns. Enjoy,